Sunday, July 8, 2007

Things went really well yesterday - I think he will eventually get the hang of nursing. Hopefully once his respirations are consistently (which could take days to weeks yet, I think) normal, then he might get to nurse for real! We have been warned that he may still very likely go home on the tube feeds, but we are fine with that. I don't remember if I mentioned that his versed drip has been weaned down some. He is still getting his morphine every four hours and I don't know when that will be weaned again. Maybe when he stops the spitting up, which didn't happen for the 8 AM feeding or the 11 AM feeding. There isn't a lot more to tell!! The Wittmers are up here today and enjoying the new and improved Gabe - he still had four chest tubes, two peripheral IVs and was on the vent when they were here last. AND they are enjoying the chance to hold him. I'll get those pictures posted this afternoon - we are still taking some as I type this.


Melanie Goebel said...

Those pictures are beautiful! I'm so glad that everybody is getting to hold him. It looks like he likes to be held! I'm so glad things are going so well!

See you soon!

Carol & Larry Northenor said...

Pictures are worth a thousand words!!!Hope your days in Indy are short and you come home soon. Prayers are coming your way!!

Love Carol and Larry

Jenny and JP said...

Josh, Peg, and Family,
The pictures are precious! He is a beautiful baby! He looks so content, it's hard to believe all that he has been through. We are so happy that he is making such great progress. We are also enjoying reading about his progress and have shared the blog site with friends and family.

Love and Prayers,
Aunt Jenny