Sunday, July 1, 2007

Gabriel is continuing to make steady progress. This morning Josh was there when the Neos were rounding and they said Gabriel was making great progress with the ventilator weaning. They told Josh they would talk to surgery about when Gabriel could come off of the ventilator. Don't know when that will happen, but it is the first time it has been mentioned in the same sentence as "soon"! We have been warned that babies recovering from a DH (diaphragmatic hernia) often tire out after a few days being off the ventilator and have to be intubated again. I guess it can take a while for the auxiliary muscles to help compensate for the diaphragm.

He is now up to 30 ml of milk, with orders to increase by 5ml every six hours now! Hopefully the chest tubes will come out in a few days, then he can move into a crib and wear baby clothes. Apparently last night Gabriel had to have a little extra pain relief, so they are holding on the narcotics wean for now. Hopefully that will pick up again soon. We were warned that could take a while.

1 comment:

Dave and Maria Schoeppner said...

Let me know what size you think he wears. I can't wait to go shopping for something blue!