Thursday, July 19, 2007


Well...hopefully just a short wait, but not too sure. The pulmonologist is concerned about the CO2 levels during the sleep study. From what Dr. Rouse said, this is out of the blue. He has been doing so well, but if his CO2 levels (they measure them from the nose, so it isn't the blood gas levels) are really too high, he could be at risk, especially if he were to get a cold. Everyone who has worked with him on a daily basis feels he looks good and he is doing well, but Dr. Rouse said it could be a sign that maybe he isn't doing quite as well as we thought. Bottom line right now, the pulmonologist wants to see him for herself and listen to him (his chest and breathing). Then we'll see. She could give the green light to go on home, she could order the sleep study to be repeated or she could have other suggestions. We won't go down the "other" path. It could include a trach, which we are less than enthused about. If he really needed it, ok, but they are going to have to convince me he does really need it. OK, let's just stop the speculation and wait for the doctor. Sorry, I am the queen of speculation and "what if"...


Carol & Larry Northenor said...

We will Pray that all goes well today and that whatever Gabriel needs are, God will bless him and the Dr's. will do what is best for him and you. We have found, it is in Gods time not ours. God bless you all and prayers are on the way.

Love Carol and Larry

Dave and Maria Schoeppner said...

We will pray for you all, but especially for Gabriel. You have come so far! I was showing my friend the pictures last night and we were both commenting on how healthy Gabe looks! He is an absolute doll! We just have to have Faith in God.
Maria, Dave, Patrick, and Cathryn

The Hull 6 said...

We are all rooting for Gabe to get released!! You all deserve to be under one roof, as a family should be.
With love and prayers,
The Hull6
Andy, Melissa, Noah, Elena, Annalee and Gabe