Sunday, July 22, 2007

No news yet, there wasn't available to read the study, as we had hoped there might. I guess that is why I never got around to updating yesterday, sorry. Hopefully we will know more tomorrow and be able to make a decision. I have this decision won't be so obvious as some of the others have been. It will probably fall on our shoulders to examine the tests and the recommendations of everyone else and then decide what to do. We are praying for wisdom to make the best choice for Gabe.

The boys had fun in the module again yesterday. Laura set out paper and crayons for them and they made artwork for several of the nurses. Gabriel also got another bath, this time with a jacuzzi-effect. They put the oxygen tube (don't worry, Gabriel still had O2) down in the bath water with the soap and there were instant bubbles.

Check out the new pictures!


Jenny and JP said...

Josh, Peg, and boys,
The latest pictures are great! We continue to check Gabriel's progress almost daily and appreciate your efforts in keeping the blog site going. I'm sure it is therapeutic for all of you, and what a great account of Gabe's progress. Even though we are not there in person, we are there in thoughts and prayers. We know the two of you will make the right decisions for Gabe. Hang in there, you are a special family.
Much Love, Aunt Jenny and Uncle JP

Tina said...

I love the new pictures. That must be hard (emotionally) to make Gabe cry so that you can insert the line. Praying for comfort for you and Josh as you make decisions in the days to come.