Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ok, let's see if I can remember everything. Speech Path made it over to see him. The first time he wouldn't wake up, so she came back later and he did really well. He took 13 MLs from a bottle, which nobody really expected him to do. He was pretty tired after that (a lot to coordinate after waiting this long to learn to eat). She said they were willing to let him take about 10 ml per day by bottle, to give him a chance to learn. If he gets stronger and faster, they'll try a barium swallow to see if any milk is being aspirated (getting into his lungs).

Neurology said the CT scan looked better from the previous one. No more bleeding in the brain (that's got to be good). He will stay on phenobarb to prevent seizures for a couple of months, then have an EEG to check for any seizure activity. If there have been no seizures observed or no activity detected on the EEG, then they will wean him from that medicine.

He is possibly going to come off the vapotherm soon (not sure what soon means) and then he can get a sleep study to see how much oxygen he will need to go home on, and how often he will need to be on the oxygen. I assumed it would be all the time, but we were told he may only need it at night or with feedings, etc. Right now he is on three liters of flow for the vapotherm. He will also probably get a car seat study - he'll have to sit in his car seat for three hours (b/c that is our ride home) to make sure he can tolerate being in that position.

His central line came out last night, so the only things attached to him are the pulse-ox (ok, I have no idea if that is the right spelling) and his monitors for heart rate and respiration rate, and the vapotherm, of course! He should also be getting his first immunization this week, and will hopefully get the two month immunizations at home - I guess they can be a little late. He'll also probably get circumcized before we go (poor guy), but that is usually last thing.

Oh yeah! He passed his hearing test!! Naturally, I got a picture. I have a bunch of pictures to post. Hopefully I will be able to get the laptop out later today and get those up for everybody! My long time friends Shannon and Melanie were up here yesterday and brought us a beautiful collage of pictures and comments from the blog. Naturally I was a weepy mess...well, maybe not a mess, but definitely weepy. I got a picture of that too. ok, time to go visit Gabe. Things are happening so fast now, I can hardly keep up!


Sandra West said...

Peggy, We have been reading all your blogs and following Gabe's progress. We look forward to seeing him strolling through the neighborhood with his family and dogs. Sandra West

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy,
I just wanted to let you know that I have been following your blogs since the first day and I am so glad to hear that Gabe is doing better. My mom, sister and neighbor keep asking about him, so you have a lot of love coming to you from Connecticut!!!