Friday, July 20, 2007

Blogging from Evansville

When we didn't get the news we wanted yesterday, Mom (she flew in yesterday) and I decided to go ahead and come to Evansville. I have some stuff to do for Aunt Kaci's wedding that can't wait any longer (I'm tryng, Kaci!) or my dress will look a little funny at the wedding. BTW Kaci, good job supporting your brother on his blogging. I knew he could do it too.

I'll add my comments to Josh's (you knew I would). Naturally we were disappointed, but we can't gamble with our child's life, and that applies to either decision. He's been through so much already, ergo we don't want him to go through the trach process unless he absolutely needs it. But if he truly needs it, end of story. We passed Dr. Duffy in the hallway and I think he read my mind. He said everything happens for a reason and maybe this was all just a little too fast for Gabe. Maybe he just needs a few more days and we averted a possible disaster. We have felt very guided through this whole process so I agree with that 100%. OK, I am out of time! Blog atcha later!

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