Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ups and Downs...

We were prepared for Gabriel to get sicker after closing, as we were warned. Well, he is doing his own thing again. All of his blood gas results have been better after surgery (closing the abdomen) than they were before. He is already weaning on the ventilator again! They are flipping him again, and he does like sleeping on his belly. Both last night and this morning, I got to help flip him, so I am enjoying a little more hands on activity. Josh got to hold Gabriel up last night while they changed out the bedding under him too. Gabriel wasn't peeing again, so they needed to reinsert his foley catheter. Josh declined to help with that one. I don't think Gabe wanted it b/c when she lifted the diaper to start insertion, he peed everywhere. Unfortunately it wasn't quite enough (he still got the foley, and then his bedding changed).

The down side is the amount of drainage still coming from the left chest tube. We are in "wait and see" mode again, to see of the chylothorax resolves on its own, or if he has to go back into the OR. This morning I was talking to a Mom who has been here about two months with her son, who is getting discharged today. I didn't reliaze Hayden was here for congenital chylothorax. She was talking to me some about what they had been through and the different procedures he had done. Hopefully we are not looking at another two months - but at least this is something they do recover from.


Gail and Dave Wittmer said...

Peg and Josh I have been trying to post for several days now, I will see if this works. I am glad that the surgery is over, all else will follow. Time is part of the healing as you know. He is fortunate to have you and Josh as parents. He chose the right ones! With a little help of course! These are baby steps. But all in the right direction. God bless all of you!
Aunt Gail

Amy said...

Continuing to pray for your family. Sounds like Gabriel is doing great and a real fighter. Stay positive and the rest will follow.

Amanda said...

Hey guys!!! This blog stumpped me today. But after asking a doc here at work, I am now all caught up. Good to here he is started to wean a little off the vent. Every step is a step in the right direction. Thanks for keeping us all posted.
