Wednesday, June 20, 2007


They finally took him down for surgery about an hour ago (about an hour late, but hey, it happens) so we are in the waiting room, uh, waiting! I noticed some comments and emails commenting on his scar, which is partially visible in some of the more recent pictures posted. Honestly, I didn't even think about posting pictures of his scar, so I scrolled down to see what was there. Those pictures don't do it justice, so Josh got a picture looking down on the full scar. Hey, he earned it, might as well show it off - see below! I also got a picture of Dr. Duffy (I think he is a fellow, which I think is a step above resident, right?) working with Dr. Rouse on the last few surgeries. He put in the right chest tube.

Gabriel tolerated the left pleuradesis well, so hopefully this one will go just as smoothly, or roughly (they are "roughing up" the lung, get it? ok, not funny)

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