Monday, June 25, 2007


I asked the nurses about spelling.

The procedure for roughing up the lungs is spelled pleurodesis (I had an "a" instead of an "o").
I also misspelled "atelectasis": which is defined as "Atelectasis is the collapse of part or all of a lung. It is caused by a blockage of the air passages (bronchus or bronchioles) or by pressure on the lung."

Here's what else I found when I googled it:
"Risk factors for atelectasis include anesthesia, prolonged bed rest with few changes in position, shallow breathing, and underlying lung diseases.
The goal of treatment is to remove pulmonary (lung) secretions and re-expand the affected lung tissue.
The following are treatments for atelectasis:
Use aerosolized respiratory treatments to open the airway.
Position the body on the unaffected side to allow the lung to re-expand.
Remove any obstruction by
bronchoscopy or another procedure.
Perform deep breathing exercises (incentive spirometry).
Clap (
percussion) on the chest to loosen mucus.
Tilt the body (postural drainage) so that the head is lower than the chest to drain mucus. "

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