Sunday, June 3, 2007

Quiet Day

Gabriel had a good night last night and a good day today (Sunday). We got here in the morning and his blood gas saturations were still very good, so after rounds they (the neonatologists) approved more weaning from the ventilator, but very slowly, as the surgeons had said was appropriate. He is now down to a rate of 40 bpm and 48% oxygen. He is getting his blood gases tested every six hours now (was every hour for a while!!), so hopefully he won't need another transfusion like he did yesterday. Consistently today we noticed that he was taking breaths over the ventilator, meaning he is trying to breathe on his own. He continues to amaze us and the staff with his progress. The surgeons changed the dressing again this evening and noted that both the liver and intestines were "soft and pliable", so hopefully they will go back in the abdomen in a few days!

On another note, today was the miracle ride. Over 2000 (Josh's Aunt and Cousin stopped counting after 2000) motorcycles rode around the hospital to raise money for Riley. We took Justin and Kendrick down to watch and they had a good time. Bob and Tom, as well as Rupert (from Survivor) participated in the ride, and other riders were tossing candy and stuffed animals to the kids. There were materials available to make signs. We made one that read "Baby Gabriel Thanks You" and held it up. It was very moving to see the riders and to think of how much money must have been raised. The Grandparents took pictures (we left our camera up in the waiting room - tsk!) so we will get pictures of the ride posted when we get them. Thanks again to all - keep up the comments, we love reading them!


Jenny and JP said...

Josh and Peg and Family,
Gabriel is an amazing baby and you are an amazing family. We enjoy reading about his progress as well as seeing the pictures. The pictures tell quite a story themselves. We are keeping Gabriel and each of you in our prayers.
Love, Aunt Jenny

Anonymous said...

Amy Willis asked us to pray for you and your beautiful baby boy. Just wanted to let you know that. Stay strong in Christ!