Friday, June 8, 2007

Still waiting to hear...

Dr. Rouse wanted to check Gabe's swelling this morning to see if it had improved before making a final decision about closing. We are tentatively on the schedule for noon. He had another steady night. The vent settings were adjusted again overnight. They increased his oxygen a little bit, but dropped the rate of the vent quite a bit. The ventilator is breathing for him at a rate of 30 bpm and he is breathing at about 75 bpm - so that is a lot of breathing on his own!! Another good sign. Mom asked me about the "peep", which I guess is like c-pap? That setting is 7. I think that's good, right? We were warned that the vent settings would likely all go up after closing, to let him rest over the weekend.

We'll let everybody know about closing when we find out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Josh and Peg,
Please know that we are checking these updates daily! THANK YOU for them!!! Our prayers are faithful as well!!!

We LOVE your FROG hat, so appropriate!!! We are right along with you, know you are never alone in your "baby steps"!

Thanking GOD for Gabriel's every breath,
Derek, Angela, Mackenzie, and Ella