Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A few more pictures

Posted some more pics! Hope you enjoy...


Pat and Jerry Summers said...

Thank you for creating this blog. Every day as soon as I can get to a computer, I log on to see how Gabriel is doing. You all are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Stay strong and take care of yourslves too.


The Van Hyfte Family said...

We continue to check on Gabriel's updates daily and continue our prayers. Thank you for keeping us so informed on his progress and the pictures are great!

Sylvia said...

Peggy,Josh - it was great to see you having a good time at the zoo!!
Laughter is wonderful - have some as often as you can. Gabriel sounds like he's handling things pretty well! Glad he's a strong little man. Looking forward to the next blog. Love from all in clinic- As ever, In prayer- Sylvia