Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Continuing to gain!

Weight check this morning and you won't believe how much he has gained (at least I couldn't). Last week he was 12-1, this week he weighed-in at 12-15. That is almost a whole pound in one week! He has a double chin and I think he is working on a third! When we got to the pediatrician's office, there was another family from Riley there. Colin was in module 1 or 2. He was transferred from the Deaconess NICU for heart problems, got a pacemaker and after some other complications, went back to Deaconess. It was nice to see him doing so well. He isn't on oxygen and takes most of his feedings orally, but has to supplement with the tube sometimes.

Anyway, back to Gabe. He is sleeping so well, I kind of hope we may get drop a nighttime feeding or at least stop fortifying the breast milk (if I haven't explained that before, it just means we add formula to the breast milk so it is higher calorie). OK, if there are any Riley nurses still checking on us, what do you think? Will we get to change anything with such impressive weight gain? We see Dr. Rouse on Friday here in Evansville and Developmental Peds when we are at Riley on August 27th. I am not sure who is making the feeding decisions. The surgeons called pretty much all the shots when we were at Riley, but I know there are dieticians with Dev Peds who might advise us. I guess we'll find out. Tomorrow is the telethon's first day and we are going on the air around 10:20ish. Wish us luck. Hopefully we don't fumble through it.

1 comment:

Matt & Brooke said...

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to tell you Matt and I went to DQ the other day to get our Blizzards. Matt had I both had our favorite, Oreo!!! I am so happy I can get to your blog sight finally. I can't always get on here with daily tasks and me just getting use to the demands of motherhood but I'll sure try. Sounds like you had a few late nights this past week. We've just started putting Mickinzie in here real crib and she is doing better than I thought she would. We wrap here up in a swaddler blanket and put her between some bumper things so it feels like she is nice and snug and it seems to be working. Before she wouldn't sleep in anything but her carseat. I think it was because she likes the feeling of being held. Oh we just had her 2 month check up today, she's at 8lbs 11 ozs :) She is atually finally wearing 0-3 month clothes...hehehe. Well you guys take care and I hope the first week of school isn't to rough on you guys. Good Luck getting the boys up..hehehe.