Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Last night, after returning from the Children's Mass, we lit candles on cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday to baby Jesus and go Grandma Maggie - who shares this special birthday. We try to interject the true reason behind the celebration whenever we can, and they do a good job of paying tribute to baby Jesus right along with Santa. When Justin asked how Santa really knew if everyone was being nice or naughty, I told him since Jesus was everywhere, so He tells Santa. That satisfied Justin for now. We can only hope the magic lasts.
Our greatest gift this year is a happy healthy family. Gabriel was discharged from OT this month, just as we thought he would be. This was the last discipline for First Steps we were involved in. It was another bittersweet farewell as we move on in this amazing journey. I talked to the mother of an Autistic child last week and she mentioned that he has therapy several times a week with many different disciplines. It was a reminder that despite Gabriel's tenuous beginning, we are incredibly blessed not only to have him here, but also to see him function as a normal child. He had another echocardiogram this past Monday and we will get another xray next week to continue monitoring his progress and his patch, but we no longer hold our breath in anticipation of these results. We feel comfortable all will show that he continues maintain health and the patch is holding. Some day we know that these results may be different, but we are enjoying today and all that we have to be thankful for. Christ is here in our lives every day and we welcome the opportunity to welcome Him again and again - especially on this holiest of days. We wish God's blessing to you and your families and hope you can feel that same sense of awe and hope that must have been felt that first Christmas by shephards and kings alike.
Merry CHRISTmas!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
One more thing
We talked and relived and in the end just did what we have always done, quieted the questions and enjoyed the moment. As it was the day we were discharged from Riley, it was a bittersweet day. A proud moment tinged with some sadness that we wouldn't see this person every week anymore. Such is life. We will likely go through it again next month as Ginger thinks our next OT session will also be the last one.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
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Make a Smilebox postcard |
During PT this morning, Gabe took about 10 steps!! He would take them 2-3 at a time, then stand a bit, but he took 10 steps before he sat down again. He began standing for extended periods of time just a few days after his last surgery, now the walking! It makes us really wonder how long this hernia had been bothering him and how much it had been slowing him down! Enjoy the video clips - and thanks for all of your prayers and support! We are certainly rejoicing this "big step" - all of them!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
There's always SOMEthing...
I had to work Friday afternoon, so the first part is second-hand. Apparently Gabriel woke up screaming from his nap and didn't settle down easily at all. He then started throwing up and continued alternating between general malaise and vomiting for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. When I got home from work, Josh and I took turns holding him, eating, feeding other kids, etc... Around 8ish, I went to change his diaper and noticed something different. There was a lump about the size of a large green grape under the skin just to the right of his penis. Well that didn't look right and I called Josh over. We didn't make the obvious conclusion right away, feeling just a little confused after all about something that we hadn't seen before, but as we were sitting on hold with the after hours clinic, Josh stated the obvious and I had a "duh" moment. Hernia - the regular kind. By the time the nurse came on, we pretty well knew we would be heading to the ER, being that it was now nearly 9 on a Friday night. That's where we went and much to our surprise, after explaining the situation, we pulled back the diaper tabs and our jaws dropped when there was no protrusion anymore. They did xrays to make sure there were no intestinal blockages, gave him some pedialyte and once satisfied that the vomiting was over, sent us home with instructions to return to the ER should it pop back out again. The rest of the night and all day Saturday, Gabe was fine. That night, it popped back out again - so I called in the calvary and hopped back over to the ER with the same results. After another couple of hours (Saturday night on a holiday weekend is not a good time to be in the ER) another doctor reconfirmed it had to be a hernia, but to take him home and get in touch with a surgeon Tuesday, when offices were open. He added that if it popped out again and we could massage it back in, we didn't need to come back. Sunday it did come out again, but I massaged the area, the lump seemed to fade away, Gabe was content, so we stayed home. Monday night (sounding like a broken record? I feel like one) Gabe really started to fuss around 7:30, I checked and sure enough, it was back out but he wouldn't tolerate any touching this time. He wouldn't even put his knees down when I picked him up. The ER docs and the on-call surgeon couldn't coax it back in either. So a little after midnight last night they took him into surgery and fixed it. We spent the night in the peds floor and just got home a little while ago. He is sleeping and I think I want to do that too.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
NICU reunion
We are in the process of getting ready for the big yearly First Steps eval to determine what Gabriel will need in terms of services for the next year. Our OT seems to think that he won't qualify for her services anymore, which is bittersweet. Our weekly sessions are ultimately moving us towards not needing her anymore so it is nice to know we are reaching our goals, but we will miss seeing her every week. Our PT is in the process of trying to get some orthotic foot braces to help Gabe toward walking on his own. He rolls his feet inward when walking and standing, which she says a lot of little ones probably do, they just adjust and grow out of it - and don't necessarily have a PT around to notice a problem. The process is a little slow b/c of paperwork, but hopefully they will be approved. One concern is that we didn't include walking independently as a goal for this 6 month period, since we didn't anticipate needing it as a goal. Standing was one of our goals, so she is hoping that will be good enough to get them through First Steps. If not, we'll buy them. Our Insurance flex acct would probably cover it, but we don't put any money in it. It just seems like an interest-free savings account, so why bother.
Ok - time for bed!
Monday, August 25, 2008
CDH Awareness Petition
Here's the link:
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Miracle Blizzard Day!!
Uncertainty is never easy, but when the question mark sits squarely on your child's life, the fear that comes with the unknown is magnified. I carried Gabriel for nearly nine months and although I couldn't change what had gone wrong in development, I could do my best to care for myself and ergo care for him. While I still carried him, he was safe. When he was born, what little control I had was stripped away. As parentts, you are supposed to know what to do for your child, what soothes them and how to care for them. They don't come with manuals, but you figure most of it out or rely on the advice of others. I couldn't fix this, couldn't even hold him for a minute and tell him it would be ok. He needed immediate care that was beyond anything I knew about and the helplessness was overwhelming. I didn't know what to do, had no answers, but Thank God we were in a place with people who did. They knew what to do when we didn't. Even when they weren't sure what to do next, they never stopped searching for the answers or the next step. Gabriel was exactly where he needed to be and between their hands and God's hands, we have a miracle of our own. He crawls all over the house, makes messes and has a smile that lights up your soul and chases away even the gloomiest of moods. We can't imagine our lives without him and are grateful we don't have to.
So if you happen to pass by a DQ today, swing through the drive-thru or stop in. Order your favorite blizzard or try something new, doesn't matter. Diet or no diet, you can feel good about what you are doing. If you just can't break the diet (or are lactose intolerant) throw a dollar in the jar, most DQ's collect money for the miracle network. If you've followed our story, you are firmly part of our miracle through your thoughts and prayers - think how amazing it would be to be part of a whole network of miracles.
Just like last year, if you get one, leave a comment and let us know what you got!! I'll probably go for the German Chocolate....
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Momentous Anniversary
The significance of this date has been on my mind all day. I was a bit emotional when I first arrived at work this morning, but was fortunately able to get a grip! I think the best way to honor this date is to replay "Gabriel's Song", written by Dave Knopsnyder - Josh's uncle. The slideshow includes pictures from birth to his homecoming, so it is fitting. I am going to get emotional again, so I am going to let Dave's beautiful words (from Gabe's point of view) finish for me.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Developmental Peds appt
That afternoon, while Gabe napped and the older boys played with Rex (their new "puppy cousin") Josh got us some new tires. We had a nice blow-out on I-70 at about 9:30 Wednesday on our way up to Indy. Josh had to change the tire, in the dark with semis and other traffic whizzing by while I watched for errant drivers that may pose a threat. I'm not sure exactly what I was going to do if I saw somebody headed for our spot on the side of the interstate, but it felt somewhat useful, so I did it. We now have four new tires and a working flashlight in the van. Live and learn.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
rough night
Last evening pretty much started out like any other. Josh had just left from his dinner break to go back to work, the boys were all playing in the living room. I looked out the window and noticed the rain had stopped and after checking the radar, determined it might be nice to go for a walk/bike ride in the neighborhood before getting everybody ready for bed. The boys excitedly replied with a "yeah!!" when I asked if they wanted to go and quickly (for them) picked up the toys littered about the room. Justin and Gabe were sitting in the middle of the living room floor and I mentioned to him I was going down the hall to change into some shorts and to let me know if Gabe started getting into anything. A short time later I heard a loud "thud" and Gabe crying. As I walked back into the room, Gabe was lying in his back crying, so I surmised he fell backward and hit his head. The boys were acting a little strangely, but I was more focused on Gabe. I did ask what happened, but didn't get any response (Kendrick did reply that he had nothing to do with it). Gabe wasn't settling down as quickly as he usually did and then he spit up the milk he had just had. That is pretty common for him when he gets worked up, so I didn't think too much about it. I was more concerned that he wasn't settling down and after a few minutes decided that we should head over to the ER and have him checked out. About that time, Gabe went limp in my arms and his eyes rolled back. I'm not ready to relive it all, but at that point I went for the phone and begged for an ambulance. I know the older boys didn't understand what was so different about this bump to the head and were alarmed and confused I was dialing the number they had been taught and coached to call only during emergencies. I couldn't do anything to calm their fears at the moment when it was all I could do to keep my own escalating panic under control. Josh was called, the ambulance arrived and the concern on the EMTs' faces didn't give me the reassurance I was hoping for. Quickly we were all en route to the ER and our early moments there weren't any more comforting. We were constantly having to wake Gabe up and the desire to fall to pieces was edging in closer. Finally he was stabilized and and whisked away to the CT scanner, so Josh and I took the opportunity to go check on the big brothers. As I sat down next to Justin, who has always been very sensitive, my heart broke as he asked, "How much trouble am I in?". At the time I thought he felt responsible solely because I left him and Gabe alone together, but he admitted later to Grandma Maggie that he had picked Gabe up, who had then pitched forward and hit his head. He hadn't fallen backward like I thought, and he was higher off the ground than I initially thought, which explained why things were more serious than I initially thought as well. Guilt and fear make a nasty couple in a parent's mind and heart. Guilt for leaving Gabe alone, even if it wasn't for long, and guilt that Justin felt guilty when he shouldn't.
*Excuse me, just returned from checking Gabe. I am coping with a bit of paranoia - no more monitors in the house - durn it.
Anyway, Gabe returned from the scanner and we soon learned there was bleeding the frontal area and it was clear everyone was worried. Before long we were talking with the surgeon and the ER doctor was paging a neurosurgeon and the pediatric intensivist. Somebody (I don't remember who now) said something about transferring him to Riley - I am hanging on by a thread at this point, Josh is keeping me together and reassuring me as best he can. I am sure he is struggling as well by now. The events at this point are blurred together. At some point one of the male nurses who had gone to check on the older boys and Grandparents came in and informed us that Justin really wanted to see his brother and asked if it would be all right. He went back to get Justin for us, who didn't leave Gabe's side the rest of the time he was there. He talked to all of the staff in the room with Gabriel, asking questions and sharing his own knowledge, acquired from the NICU staff at Riley. He commented on he O2 sats on the monitor any time they changed at all. Fortunately that was always excellent. Even when we left the room to talk to somebody else, Justin stayed right by Gabe's side. Eventually Dr. Cobb, the neurosurgeon was reached and he was able to view the CT from wherever he was. He told the ER doctors that the bleeding wasn't severe enough to warrant a transfer to Riley and that he would be in to talk to us soon. Finally we felt an slight ease in the tension. Eventually Dr. Cobb did come and assured us that the bleeding was minor and Gabe would be fine. He agreed that Gabe should spend the night in the PICU for monitoring, but everything should be ok after that and we didn't even need to see him again unless one of the other doctors thought so. He did mention that the listlessness we observed in Gabe earlier was probably seizures, but this was typical and should resolve without any medical intervention.
We finally made it to a room upstairs and got settled in. Gabe was not happy having his iv messed with and gave the nurses an watchful eye any time they entered the room after that. Unfortunately they didn't want him to eat over night so it was long before tired baby + hungry baby = angry baby. He finally slept from 1-3 AM, but when he woke up at 3, there was no consoling him. Around 4, they brought us an 8 oz bottle, which was gone shortly after that. He fell into a deep sleep and we didn't hear a peep out of him until around 7:30 or 8. I managed to sleep a little in the "extra-comfy" hospital recliner. Things happened pretty quickly the next morning and we were home before lunch time. He has been tired and a little grumpy and clingy today, but all in all, no worse for the wear. It is now about two hours later than when I started typing and he has since awakened, had a little snack and gone back to bed.
This could've been (and for a while appeared to be) a lot worse and once more we are humbled and thankful for where we are tonight. Thanks for your prayers and support once again, and always. Keep praying that we see no more ill effects from this incident. Justin is also fine. We were worried about him for a while too, but he is in good spirits tonight celebrating the loss of his third baby tooth! I am now waiting for him to fall asleep so I can watch for the tooth fairy for him.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Another big step forward
We also got the results of the echocardiogram we had last months and apparently it was perfect, just like the xray. Everything seems to be as it should. The inward sternum remains the only significant concern (aside from the obvious monitoring of the patch). After Gabe was undressed and we were waiting for Dr. Rouse, Josh was holding Gabe with his hands under his arms and around his ribcage. He noticed that Gabe's right ribcage seemed to jut out more than the left, or the left is more inward, depending on the correct perspective. Neither of us had noticed this before and we pointed it out to Dr. Rouse. He said it was likely related to the patch and something we would just have to watch. Down the road we may have to face some sort of surgery for that inward sternum, or the patch, but for today we are celebrating another milestone in an already incredible journey. Thanks for continuing to come along. We know you are celebrating with us.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
On the down side we have had a few concerns. He started running a fever on Monday and it has hung around all week. His breathing has been a little faster at times, his poopy diapers have been messy and he has also been a little fussier than usual. The pediatrician's office assured us there has been a GI bug making the rounds and we know he is also teething, so there are two perfectly logical and benign explanations for his symptoms. Unfortunately we can't quite dismiss concerns about his patch and how well it may or may not be holding up. He is due for another xray to check it in a couple of weeks and we see Dr. Rouse on Tuesday. I think on Monday we will ask if we can go ahead and get the xray now so that Dr. Rouse can review it with us during an appointment rather than over the phone, and also to put any unease to rest. There is a lot going this summer and it would be easier to enjoy it all if we know everhthing is as it should be. This morning we noticed quite a bit of drainage from the G-tube site (looked like spit-up, but coming directly from the hole). There has been increased drainage over the past few weeks, but nothing like what we saw this morning. After consulting with the Fleig's by email and the Hufty's by phone, we changed out the button and everything seems better. It seems like it might be a little smallish, which makes sense - we haven't changed sizes from the beginning. We are supposed to order a new button as a spare any time we change out, but we are really hoping that maybe on Tuesday Dr. Rouse will take it out and we will be done with it. We'll update early in the week, when we get more information. Thanks for the continued prayers and support.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Time for Change
Now that Gabe is a year-old and doing well, we feel that it is time to shift our blogging focus. There is little doubt that the past year has revolved largely around Mr. Gabriel, and with good reason. We have done our best to make sure everyone's needs were met, which we probably failed at all too often, but we have tried. We are not closing Gabe's blog, but we have been informed that it is causing problems with people's computers - primarly b/c of the pictures. Over the next few weeks, we will find a way to condense them down - maybe into a slide show. We are also only going to post updates here specifically related to Gabe's progress for those who are still following how he is doing. For those of who will probably not check too often anymore, or at all, let us tell you how grateful we are for your concern, prayers and support. This blog has been a tremendous outlet during an incredible year and the comments we have received mean more than you will ever know. For those of you who still wish to know what is happening with our family and understand and appreciate how bad we are at keeping everyone informed on an individual basis, we are starting a family blog, which will likely be updated more frequently. I have it set up, but there isn't much on it yet. You can find it at the following address:
We hope to hear from you there. As always, we love comments and love to hear from you by email as well. Thanks for an incredible year, for all that you have done for us each in your own way. our email is the same:
Thursday, May 29, 2008
As for Gabe, he had his one-year check up today and it couldn't really have gone any better. I filled Dr. Voyles in on the past few months of Riley stuff - mainly the swallow study and feeding issues. He seemed to support us in our stance to remain oral and continue with the cup that works for Gabe - even asking if there had been discussion about removing the feeding tube. We are supposed to discuss that with Developmental Peds in July - we don't see Dr. Rouse again until June 24th, so we'll certainly bring it up then as well. The main reason for all of this confidance in our present course is Gabe's weigh-in today. He is up to 20lbs and 13.5 oz. The really big news is that he did more than maintain his percentile weight, he actually came back up a little!! He is now just shy of 25th percentile! Height maintained around the 50th percentile and we didn't look at head circumference percentile. His big melon was 48.5 cm, so I'll have to go online and see where he is there. Gabe was showing off with big toothy grins (with last week's arrivals, he is up to 5 teeth, still very snaggle-toothed!), patty-cakin and peek-a-booin up a storm.
This afternoon, I was power-washing the fence, trying to get it ready to stain. We should have done it last summer, but we were just a little too busy to get around to it. My mind was definitely wandering during this long and tedious chore. Mostly I wandered back to where we were a year ago. I didn't have to look back through the blog to remember this day. It was not a good day. Everybody had checked out of their hotels and were staying with family in the area. The boys had spent their first night at the RMH with us. I was up early to pump and called the module to see how Gabriel's night had gone. The tone on the phone reminded me too much of that first night - and the vague answers indicating that they were waiting for more information - left me feeling uneasy and anxious to get over to the hospital. Once we were there, the news was not good and there were very few answers. Gabriel just wasn't weaning the way they wanted him to. All of his stats went downhill every time they tried to wean him from ECMO. Even more disturbing was how poorly he was doing with the ECMO settings turned nearly all the way up. There were concerns about seizures, brain bleeds and more worry about his overall respiratory status - we were nearly back where we started. The day was full of tests - EEG, Echocardiogram, x-ray and the decision to get a CT. Who could forget the memorable transport of Gabe on ECMO to the CT scanner - that didn't come until Wednesday. Tuesday night (still the 29th) we asked to stay downstairs in the RMH at Riley. I don't think I left the building all day. Josh walked the boys and Grandma back to the RMH down the street and helped get them settled. I spent my time waiting for his return in the peace chapel. I went to clear my head, to ask for guidance and strength to face whatever we needed to face - I wound up begging. I went back to our little room to wait for Josh, made a couple of phone calls and then went looking for Josh when I thought too much time had passed. I found him where I had just been, in the chapel. We talked a bit, expressing our sense of helplessness - the feeling that Gabriel might be slipping away from us was suffocating. We were exhausted and struggling to hang onto hope. We wanted to be strong for Gabe, ourselves and our families - but this was our time to acknowledge our helplessness and after expressing to God how much we wanted our son with us, we were able to acknowledge that we wanted what was best for him, not for us. We just REALLY wanted those two things to be the same. Now that everyone is depressed - let's remember the rest of the story. Just 48 hours later Gabe would be recovering from surgery, hope restored. I will leave you with video of this morning. Gabe happily playing peek-a-boo.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Beautiful Day
I just looked at the time. A year ago Gabriel was newly baptised and fighting for his life as we stood by and watched. We had only gentle touch and earnest, begging prayers to offer him. The nurses took pictures with their camera and ours and I remember as Josh pushed me back down the long hallways from Riley to my room over at IU, I wondered what kind of scrapbook I could make out of a few hours worth of pictures...if that is all we would have. What a strange, almost disconnected and random thought to have at such a time. The brain takes strange journeys during times of stress I suppose. Somehow we did sleep some that night and returned to Gabriel's side a few hours later, thankful we at least seemed to have a little more time. Today I had a 38 page scrapbook to display, mainly chronicling only our time at Riley. There was also another beautiful book on display, that I hadn't planned on. Kaci, together with the rest of the Wittmer clan, had used a site that converts blog sites into books. It was given to us just as the party started and we both humbly and proudly laid it on our donation table. What a year, what a ride. Just four months ago Gabriel's only source of nutrition came from a feeding tube, with only "practice" in the eating realm permitted. He was a champion refluxer and had a lot of ground to make up. Six months ago, he was on oxygen and a monitor, fussed if much of anything went in his mouth, besides a pacifier, was getting "brushed" for desensitization therapy 6-8 times every day, took anti-seizure medication, 3-4 breathing treatments per day, and was barely rolling over. Nine months ago, he was preparing to have a feeding tube surgically inserted, seemed to reflux or spit up nearly as much as he got in his nasal feeding tube, was at high risk for respiratory illness including rapid deterioration or going back on the ventilator if he got the flu. Today we watched him eat almost an entire cupcake and smile through the frosting smeared all over his face. I think that is all I need to say.
Friday, May 23, 2008
On the Eve
Tomorrow he will be a year old. It seems unbelievable that a year has passed. As this day has approached, there has been a mixed sense of relief and acknowledgement that it has been a complicated year of joy and tension. Raising children under any circumstance carries tremendous responsibility, that is not a secret. This past year has given us an appreciation of our healthy children and what a miracle they all are, no matter what they bring to our family. It has been a journey through uncharted territory and we navigated as best we could through every obstacle. We haven't been alone on our journey. We may have each had weak moments where we felt alone, frustrated and tired. We know that even those moments we were loved and supported and feeling that way is just part of the journey. We were never alone, and that is the answer. He guided our footsteps and thoughts through a thicket of self-doubt and uncertainty until gradually the thorns were shorn away and the path seemed a bit clearer. He sent us angels on earth to give us what we needed when we needed it most - a patient ear to listen, a handshake or gentle touch at just the right time, a phone call with a voice on the other end bringing peace. Our friends and family have been our glue and we are grateful. I think I'm done. Thanks for listening, as always.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
One week
We are pretty much living life with Gabe normally now. Gabe went to Kendrick's end of the year picnic yesterday and also with the whole family to St. Ben's summer social. I had to help work in the children's area most of the time, (the older boys were great helpers) so we are planning to return tonight and just have fun. If you haven't gone, you should go. The chicken dinners in the cafeteria are fantastic - plus there's great carnival food with the rides. I got a quick peek in the silent auction and chinese auction booths, and there is some great stuff in there too. Plus the rain pretty well shut things down Thursday, so we need some help making up for it - GO!!
Gabe still just has three teeth, but is very close to having a whole mouthful I think. He is our snaggle-tooth boy, with only one eye-tooth in on top. We have decided his first word is "uh oh". He says it pretty consistently now - and can actually make both vowel sounds. Still no hands and knees crawling, but he gets around very well anyway. I think I failed to mention that he doesn't really like to be fed that much anymore. He wants to do it all himself, which is fun and pretty messy. The older boys really didn't like to get messy, but Gabe doesn't seem to mind. I am almost out of time, so I'll post some good "messy-eater" shots later.
It is shaping up to be a beautiful day today, so I am anxious to get off the computer and start doing something with it - there is certainly enough to do. Enjoy the day!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Breathing Easier
Everyone is his potential new best friend. In mass on Sunday, he kept swiveling back and forth, smiling and blowing kisses to the young boy in front us while alternately smiling and waving to the people in the pew behind us. Afterwards, several people came up to us, happy to see us together in church as a family. That single hour, in church all together, made it a happy mother's day. Sometimes when you sit down with a baby in tow, you can see the mental groan as the people around you wonder why you aren't sitting in the cry room and also wondering if they will hear anything that goes on. Any time I looked around to see where Gabe was looking, there was someone smiling back at those huge rosey cheeks, smiling at them. Even the older boys were good, which is saying something. When the day was over and the older boys were tucked into bed and actually quiet, Gabe was also scrubbed, freshly diapered and we were settled in the big chair with the empty milk bottle on the side table, his little lashes resting on rosey cheeks with softly parted lips as his breathing changed - letting me know he was asleep - I was struck. Struck by memories that had faded to embers, still glowing, still there, but in the background, not commanding immediate attention. What could this Mother's Day have been like if only... Would I have even wanted to acknowledge it, if things had been different. How does a mother celebrate this day when somebody is missing - I don't know, and I am grateful a glimpse is all I have...a possible feeling of what might've been, just a maybe, but not a reality. That maybe was enough to cause a burning in my eyes and ache in my chest, an urge to squeeze and hold on too tightly to the sleeping child in my arms was carefully resisted. In that moment I said a prayer for the mothers who face not just a holiday with somebody missing, but every day. Not a prayer of understanding - for I know I don't fully get it and couldn't possibly - but a prayer of compassion.
On a lighter note - and to finish where the post began - Dr. Macke said we didn't need to come back until the fall. The winter is over, Gabe is perfectly healthy, and there is nothing more to discuss until another cold and flu season looms before us. So we are breathing easier. We are venturing out and Gabe is enjoying playing outside, going along to the store or out to eat. He smiles at everyone. His brothers enjoy having him along too. It's all so normal, so sweetly normal. We still have feeding issues and weight issues and he is still a little behind in the crawling/walking/pulling up areas, but we are getting there.
Please keep the Fleig's in your prayers. Jackson's patch has slipped and his kidney has moved up. He has surgery on Friday to repair his patch and put the errant kidney back in place. Ellen is a surgical nurse at Riley, so she knows more than is probably comfortable. Too much information is not always comforting when on the other side.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
A day for celebration

Friday, May 2, 2008
Another busy week - I looked at Josh and said something to the affect of wouldn't it be nice to just have a normal, routine week. Shortly after that we went over the calendar and soon realized that wouldn't really happen until school starts up again in the fall...
There seems to be something happening every week until August. I think there are a smattering of days here and there that might be quiet or "routine".
Our bathroom is done enough that we started moving back into it again. The tub/shower and sinks are operational, but the toilet can't go in until the floors are done. Josh hasn't taken on tile before, so he is waiting until his schedule and his Dad's allow them to work together on it. I am hopeful that we will have a floor and toilet before we have to plan Justin's graduation party (he "graduates" from kindergarten May 19th, but I was referring to high school). That seems a practical assumption at this point. Speaking of graduations, Kaci's husband (affectionately known as "Big Justin") and his sister graduate from college this weekend. He graduates with his doctorate in physical therapy tonight and his younger sister graduates from IU tomorrow. His poor mother is probably feeling a little overwhelmed about now - so keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers ;) Unfortunately Josh could only get Sunday off from work and we decided that eight hours in the car in one day might be a little too much. The older boys probably would have tolerated it fine, but as active as Gabe is these days, it would have been difficult for him. Especially since we have a neuro appt on Tuesday and he will be stuck in the car for over 6 hours that day. We feel sad to miss the celebration and certainly wish Justin and Abbi all the best. As I listen to the rain on the roof and the grumbling of thunder, I offer a silent prayer that the weather will cooperate with the celebrations that are planned.
I am switching topics completely now. Just wanted to share a quick (hopefully) and funny story. Justin has a magnetic calendar he got two Christmas's ago. Kendrick got one for his fourth birthday. Tuesday Josh was helping both boys switch them over to May and wound up putting some of Justin's numbers on (not because Justin couldn't do it, rather b/c Justin was being too slow) Justin looked at the "help" he got from Dad and muttered something like, "Come on, that's sloppy!" and then promptly redid them. If you know Justin, that won't surprise you.
One last point - again completely switching topics. We are serving chicken with sides at Gabe's party. We need an approximate head acount around May 13th - so if you know you are coming, we'd appreciate it if you'd let us know. If you aren't sure by then, please don't let that keep you from coming. Just let us know when you can, even if it isn't until that morning. We are very excited about this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported and prayed for our family, and especially for Gabe. Hopefully we can also do something for Riley and The Ronald McDonald House, both of which have meant so much to us.
Pictures updated below.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Quick update
On Thursday, Kendrick had his four year check up with shots for kindergarten - even though he still has pre-k next year. He didn't cry at all. For being such a big boy, we took him to Toys R Us and he picked out the announcer cars from the movie Cars. Still loves that movie!! Gabe was also weighed and managed to pick up 2.5 ounces in the past two weeks. Not huge, but still progress, or at least no decreases.
I am hoping to accomplish a lot today, since we actually don't have anything scheduled - so that is it. Have a great weekend!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Whirlwind week
Tonight the boys were both in their first school musical. Preschool sang a couple of adorable songs (nothing I had heard of before) with hand motions on stage and there was a joint production of "Stone Soup" with the kindergarden and first grade classes. It was fun to watch and the boys were so proud of themselves. There is an encore presentation tomorrow which Josh and Grandma will get to enjoy. Grandma stayed home with Gabe and Josh had to work. I also got it on video - so if you would like a copy... (wink!wink!) That more or less sums up the last week. Tomorrow is Kendrick's four year check up and Gabe's biweekly weight check.
Ok - I have been up to midnight the last two nights painting and ironing shirts/pants for the musical, and Friday night was even later decorating cupcakes. I am operating on a bit of a sleep deficit, so don't be too critical of the typos. I'll proofread and post pictures tomorrow, maybe...just don't be too critical. good night all!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Speaking of which, Friday was Gabe's weight check. He weighed-in at 19 lbs and 5 oz. So, he made a nice gain in weight, but I am not sure there was much of a gain in percentile. That's ok. I think there isn't really an issue with his current percentile ranking, just that it shouldn't drop anymore. Ginger (OT) continues to give us tips for "fattening him up", with the caution that too much weight gain will interfere with all of his newfound mobility. It is such a balancing act, isn't it? Well, we are no strangers to balancing acts! We all do it every day. I think we are in a good place and balancing as well as we can. There is still the shadow in the corner of the mind, the knowledge that things can change and the balance shift...but for now we are enjoying where we are. Sometimes I struggle to live in the present, so this has been an excellent excercise in doing just that. Each new moment brings new experiences. An exhausting round of tantrums can still yield a happy evening of giggling boys...
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,How great Thou art, How great Thou art.Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeurAnd see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
A little change
So it was not the CDH I was expressing my happiness for, but the awareness and what that awareness could bring.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day

I received an email from Becky Hufty about Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day, which was today. She also sent the ribbon. I have seen the ribbon before. When I initially googled diaphragmatic hernia, it seemed that the information I found wasn't what I was looking for. I also couldn't absorb too much in the beginning and didn't look too hard or want to filter through all of the links and websites. Last month, for some reason, I decided to google "congenital diaphragmatic hernia" and everything I found was naturally much more pertinent for us. I also found a site all about awareness and the ribbon was there. It is basically a support site for families of CDH babies. I keep intending to go back and look around some more, and possibly join. I just haven't quite gotten around to it. I'm not sure why I haven't made this a priority. We have so much support, but it isn't like you can't have enough. We have met a handful of other families and the Fleig family is an unwavering source of "been there, done that" support. I want to make contact with other families in a more global sense - so why haven't I? I guess we are still just so in it right now...maybe that's enough for today. I don't know.
Ok, so I haven't taken the time to blog about our appointment at Riley on Thursday. It has been a busy week and weekend. The boys enjoyed their spring break, but by the end of an entire week of bopping here and there, messed up routines - they were tired and so were we. Today it was back to school and back to routine. We are now also really into project bathroom - Josh and his Dad did the major demo yesterday. Our bathroom is currently stud walls and wood slatted floor. The boys enjoy peaking through the slats in the floor to the basement. On the up side, they are burning a lot of energy taking turns running up and down the stairs to yell at each other through the bathroom floor/basement ceiling. Anyway, these are the reasons for the delay. Here is the summary: We expected some concern and worry over his weight, but there was none. They seemed perfectly satisfied with his growth thus far and marveled over all of his accomplishments and were pleased with the therapy Gabe is receiving and how it is helping him. So we felt pretty good about this and were not really concerned about the swallow study, to be completed a little later that day. Dr. Stanley - the dev. pediatrician - would meet us there. During our downtime, we shared a wrap at the patio and let Gabe suck on the pickle. He thoroughly enjoyed it, especially since he was very hungry - awaiting the start of the swallow study. By the time the study started, poor Gabe had missed a nap so we could now add tired to the hunger. If you know anything at all about babies, then you know this is not a good combination for the most good natured of little ones. He was unhappy, but handling it all ok until he saw the cup and the shaking of the formula. The pacifier popped out of his mouth and he started making the little urgent noises he likes to make when he is very hungry and he wants you to hurry up. Unfortunately, there were delays in experimentation with different cups and consistencies. He would be given the cup, then it would be taken away to try something else, then he'd get it back, then it would be taken away again. Not good. Not good at all. On top of the fatigue and empty belly, he was sitting straight up and strapped into a seat with all of the equipment needed to watch him swallow the barium (so he also had chalk in his milk). It was a wonder they got any information at all. Here is what we discussed after: She stated that she did not see any specific aspiration, but she was very concerned about Gabe having his head back (hyperextended) while drinking from the sipper cup - it looked risky for aspiration and she didn't feel comfortable giving us 100% assurance that he was not aspirating or would not aspirate with the cup. They also tried a straw cup, which she thought looked better. They also tried the cup and thickened milk. We could tell she was a bit uncomfortable with Gabe drinking from the cup, or probably even the straw cup, but didn't want to tell us we should go back to using the tube more exclusively when we haven't used it in over a month - and very little for over two months. Her suggestions were to thicken milk in the sipper cup and really push towards getting him to use the straw cup. When we had a chance to process all of this, here were our thoughts - at home when he drinks from the cup he is held in a more reclined position and his chin is down, meaning his head and neck are not hyperextended. He is also not usually between screaming fits. I guess we just didn't have a lot of confidance in the reliability of the test in showing what is happening in our daily life. Dr. Stanley also mentioned that one reason Gabe may not be taking 8 ounces at one time like a more normal 10 month old could be that he feels unsafe and gets fatigued. We won't argue that he may be getting fatigued - we know he still breathes faster than what is normal for other babies and the whole "suck, swallow, breathe" coordination is different for him. I could see that for the little I was able to observe. It looked to me that he would "suck, suck, then swallow, then breathe". It seems that he is finding a way to make it all work - and over the past 8 days (according to our log) he has increased how much he takes at one feeding and how much he takes overall. He typically takes 20+ ounces per day now.
We also discussed ways to keep his calories up - and she agreed with everything our OT was having us try thus far. She even mentioned that we could mix in some butter to up his calories. I didn't expect to hear that. We'll have to see if Paula Dean has a cookbook for babyfood. That ought to take care of all of our calorie concerns. Dr. Stanley agreed with Dr. Rouse that we should probably get weight checks every two weeks to continue monitoring Gabe's weight/growth. She also wanted to up his fluid intake a little more and suggested that if he gets less than 28 ounces of fluid per day (we can count some fruits and veggies to a degree) we should maybe put some water down the feeding tube to keep him hydrated - without worrying about filling him up and interfering with his hunger and desire to eat. Then she mentioned something we did not expect to hear. She said if everything was going well n July when we return to see her - meaning he is eating and drinking like a normal 14 month old, we could discuss when the tube should come out. I really thought it wouldn't even be discussed until after the next cold and flu season, which could still be our reality. We will just have to see how the next few months progress - see what Gabe does! She also mentioned that if Gabe didn't seem to be eating a variety of foods and calories were still a concern, we should probably delay switching to milk after his birthday and sticking with formula a little longer. I kind of expected that. I think that is it. I hope I got it all. It is late and I haven't proofread this, so forgive the typos please!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday
Well, it is getting pretty late. I don't know if tonight will be an all night of sleep or interrupted, so I had better get some sleep in while I still can. Before I go, I need to extend another round of 'thank yous', just because I think it may have been a while. Always know how grateful we remain to everyone who keeps us close in thought and prayer. There are times when life does feel a little overwhelming, in a normal way that life just becomes "a little too much", like it would for anyone. Everyone has their own struggles and they are important. We appreciate you lifting us in the midst of your own day-to-day worries and please know we think of you too. Hope you all had a Good Friday.