Thursday, November 15, 2007


Tuesday was a busy day for Gabriel. We saw Dr. Rouse around 11:00 AM and he was quite pleased. Everything looks great with Gabe's Gtube - Dr. R said it had healed up nicely and the granulation tissue we were battling is virtually gone. I let him know that Gabe had just recovered from an ear infection - actually still fighting the fluid. We went in to see Dr. Logan on Monday b/c I thought he looked a little "fleshy" under the tongue. He loves to cluck his tongue and I got just a little concerned. Maybe things are going so well with the usual issues I feel a need to scrutinize for other potential problems. Dr. Logan told us there was a little extra tissue under the tongue, but nothing that would be a problem. His ears however still had fluid in them, but no infection. So we are in "wait and see" mode, but I'll take a little fluid in the ears over fluid in the lungs. Dr. Rouse confirmed that the lungs were perfectly clear! Gabe is now weighing in at 15-15! They didn't measure his length, but we will be going in for his 6 month check up in two weeks, so we will find out how tall he is then. Can you believe what I just typed? His 6 month check up. It doesn't seem possible, but there we are.

We got home from our appointment with Dr. Rouse and promptly met with Karen, our physical therapist. We spent some talking about Gabe and his history (don't worry, I kept it to the condensed version - she had most of the history) and then she put him through his paces. He tolerated it all very well and we got some good tips on how to work with him more on our own. I got a picture earlier, but the computer is acting up, so I will count myself lucky to get this posting saved - the pictures will have to come later. We will meet with Ginger (OT) on Saturday for the first time for oral stimulation.

In closing, if you have a minute there is an update on the prayer blog regarding another special Riley family - they are local (from Haubstadt).

1 comment:

Aunt Kaci said...

Gabe's facial expression in the "Joy's of Eating" photo reminds me of Kendrick!