Friday, December 14, 2007

Big Step for Gabe!

Ginger, OT, was here again yesterday and we talked more about moving Gabe forward in terms of eating - since he is really showing more and more interest....which is pretty amazing. Ginger is pretty fantastic with Gabe, and he really lights up when he sees her - until she starts working his shoulders. The neck and shoulder area are still not his favorite exercises - but sooooo important. She felt that we could go ahead and try some breast milk thickened with rice cereal in a soft-tipped, two-handled sipper cup. We waited until he was getting hungry at dinner time and then Josh worked with Gabe while I was working on dinner. It was quite successful. Just like his brothers before, the process began with a chew session on the tip, but once he sucked a little and got a taste - look out! He was naturally a little startled that what he thought was a nice chew toy actually could produce, but we've been working on dipping the paci in milk during feedings and even cereal/milk mixtures - so the taste he got was a familiar one. It wasn't long before he drained the couple of ounces in the cup. Isn't that amazing? He's a little genius - or a little glutton in the making...time will tell. He went on to eat a little ham and apple spiced with a touch of cinnamon. It is one of his current favorites. He was awake and hungry this morning around 5:15, so we tried again. It went well at first, but I think once the initial hunger pangs were satisfied, he came to the realization that he was awake about 3 hours earlier than normal and that put an end to the cup session. So he went back to sleep, the rest of the feeding went down the tube, and I started up the coffee pot! It is now about time for Gabe's normal "up and at 'em" time, so my time here is finished. Today we go in for December's RSV shot, so I think we will get in some good therapy/play time this morning, since he may be a little miffed with me later. Actually, he settles down pretty quickly once he is done. I guess it's not much to handle for a little guy who started life as a pin cushion, so to speak.

One other note - Every time I check the blog for comments, I also check the sitemeter. It is so heartwarming and humbling to know how many of you out there still check the blog. We've had over 2700 visits since I set up the sitemeter in October. Over 320 just this week, and the week isn't over. 100 of those hits are probably my Mom, who is in Gabe-withdrawal, but it gives us quite a boost to know so many still want to know how Gabe is doing and how many are still cheering him on. Thanks.


Unknown said...

Go Gabe, GO!!!

Tell Justin and Kendrick HELLO for us. Give them HUGS and KISSES for us too.


Derek, Angela, Mackenzie, and Ella

P.S. I think we check the site once or twice daily. Although we don't always leave a message, we do take the time to STOP, REFLECT on GODS MIRACLE, and PRAISE HIM for all He has done for GABRIEL!!!

Dave and Maria Schoeppner said...

It is amazing the progress Gabe is making! The pictures are just adorable! We can't wait to see him in person. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to keep us all a part of Gabe's miracle!
Maria, Dave, Patrick, and Cathryn