Friday, September 14, 2007

Sweet Angel

Isn't he just a sleeping angel? He still loves snuggling stuff, either snoopy or little pieces of fabric. That was always a comfort to him, even back in the NICU.

If you have a minute, check out

There a couple of new prayer requests. The most recent is from the family of six week old Amanda Vollmer. Her big brother Daniel was in Justin's pre-k class last year. Amanda's Mommy and Aunt have commented on our blog many times and through their prayers and emails, have been a tremendous comfort to us and we would ask you to prayer for her and her family. She may be at Riley herself soon and we certainly understand how scary it can be, but what a blessing. We don't have to tell you all how wonderful a place it is, although nobody wants to need it - thank God it is here and so close.

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