Even being held straight up!
How can he sleep like that?
We sleep when we can around here!
We are getting all set to return to Riley tomorrow...we'll let you know how things are going. We told he boys they would be staying at Grandma and Grandpa's all week, and they were jumping up and down. So much for being missed - maybe they will a little - but we are glad that they can look at all of this as an advenure, rather than a disruption in their routine. It makes it so much easier to be with Gabriel and to focus on what is happening there. We won't be distracted with worry for the older boys, knowing they will be so well cared for, and having so much fun. Keep Josh in your thoughts tonight, it will be his last night working with Brix, and I know it will be hard for him. I'm sure he would like to get one last bite or find a bunch of drugs or something like that. He's really going to miss working with Brix and everyone else in the K-9 unit. The rest of us will miss Brix around here as well. Even though he is a well-trained working dog, he loves to play with the rest of us at home too. I'll get some pictures of the two of them and post them later.
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