Saturday, February 9, 2008

Another busy Saturday has come and gone. Ours got started early, by decree of the older boys. Gabe has had a snotty nose and cough, which makes for a restless night. About 5:30 this morning, I had to suck him out which he didn't really appreciate. At this point, we were both up so I slogged my way down the hall to the kitchen, yawning. As I measured out coffee and formula, separately I hope, I became aware of my cold feet on a cold floor and wished I'd had the forsight to throw on some socks. Sure, foresight before 6 AM? With the coffee pot hissing and gurgling, I headed back down the hall to retrieve Gabe, who was having a discussion with his crib toy. Even that early, I had to smile at his babbling. I peaked over the side of the pak-n-play set up next to our bed and he smiled with his wide-open mouth and waved his arms, then started rubbing his eyes. It seems that I have been forgiven for bringing him fully awake in such a rude manner, especially when he sees the cup in my hand (the formula, not the coffee, I think). About the time he's had all he's going to take and I have him settled back in bed, Josh mutters something (he's home from work now) and comments he heard the boys door open down the hall. About that time I hear the pad of little feet down the hardwood floor. We usher them back to bed (but they never went back to sleep, we're fairly certain) and Josh asks the question we have never been able to answer. Why is it on a school night we can get them to bed by 7:30 and still have to drag them out of bed the next day....yet on Friday night we let them talk and giggle in their bunk beds until nearly 10:00 and they are up and ready to go before 6:30 on Saturday. *sigh* we'll see what happens tomorrow! Fortunately they did fall asleep pretty quickly tonight. I am going behind them soon. Just a few things I wanted to get down here first. At dinner Gabe started mimmicking "uh oh!". Naturally, it takes a very well trained ear to pick up this verbalization and interpret it, but we knew that was what he was saying. He very much enjoys clearing his tray of every toy, napken or any other item that falls within his reach and we usually respond with "uh oh". Now he does too...

I have one more "awww factor" comment to make. This one comes from Justin. I keep forgetting to mention it, so I am posting it. I think it was Thursday night, the boys are settling into bed, I've fetched their drink of water, fetched another animal and begun the dance to try to get out of their room before another request is launched. They have already said their bedtime prayer, but sometimes we have prayers for people. We should do it every night, I know, but you should hear the list these two can come up can take a while. Anyway, as I am backing out of the room, Justin says he wants to pray for people. How do you say "no" to that? I acquiesce, but decide it would be a good idea to put Gabe in the pak-n-play first. I don't remember everyone he chose to pray for, the usual Grandparents, aunts and uncles everyone in his kindergarden class, the dogs (he still includes Brix because he just knows that Brix must really miss us and maybe he doesn't understand why he coudn't live with us anymore - this is logic straight from Justin - so we need to pray for him) but the real kicker was when he paused then looked me and said "that's sure a lot of prayers". I agreed with him, but wasn't prepared for his next statement. He said, "maybe we need to pray for God because he sure is busy with all of these prayers and he probably needs some too". Well, what do you say to that? I agreed that Lent is a particularly busy time for God and although He can certainly handle it, I am sure He would appreciate Justin thinking of Him.

I know this blog is primarily about Gabe and his progress, but we still feel it is important to mention the two big brothers who also sacrificed a lot this past summer. We thank God for all of our boys. They can make us crazy at times, but they never cease to amaze and humble us. This parenting thing is not for the faint of heart, and we've made our share of mistakes (I shudder to think how many more we've yet to make) even here at the starting line, but what amazing rewards come along with every frustration. Every morning, Justin and Kendrick want to snuggle on the couch before they get ready. I can't even describe how much that means to me. I remember the morning of May 23rd, the day we would be heading up to Indianapolis for Gabe's arrival, snuggling on the couch under a blanket with both boys. It gave me such peace and such angst all at once. I didn't know what to expect in the coming days or how long it would be until we were all home together again. How many mornings would go by without a morning snuggle? I knew we'd all adjust, we'd figure it out. But there that morning, I held on tight and tried to hold on to normal for me and for them for as long as they let me.

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