Wednesday, November 21, 2007

As I mentioned in a previous post today, Gabe is getting stronger every day and can tolerate more and more. The picture up and left shows the "bench" work recommended by PT. It has done wonders in getting Gabe to lift his chest and shoulders. I forgot to mention that b/c Gabe's shoulders are a little high, we are doing neck stretches as well. He isn't too crazy about those. I finally got just a few more pictures posted. If I don't get time to post tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving to every one. We obviously have so much to be thankful for- thanks for your comment Susan! We will be thinking of all of you and hoping that your holiday is as special and meaningful as ours. If you are "lucky" enough to be in the workforce tomorrow, then we are especially thinking of you and your family. Josh works tonight and tomorrow night, but we'll all enjoy dinner together. To our family members we won't see, we love you and ofcourse we will be thinking of you and praying for you. It is going to be a rather intimate gathering for us - so there are a lot of people we will miss. At the same time, we will be thankful that our reasons for not being together this year have nothing to do with illness, or hardship. Happy Turkey Day!!

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