Friday, August 24, 2007

Gabe continues to gain weight well. Even after letting him skip a feeding at night, he gained about 6 or 7 ounces this week. He weighed in at 13-5 yesterday. I was hoping it wouldn't be a problem for two reasons - first of all, ofcourse we want to see him continue to gain weight and be healthy, but it is also allowing us to get just a little more sleep! It would have been a real bummer if we had to go back to every three hours at night!

Separately we got bittersweet news yesterday. Josh is being promoted to sergeant, but it means he has to leave the k-9 unit, and give up Brix. It's a great opportunity, that may not come again for years due to a significant number of retiring upper brass right now. The flip side is how much he loves what he is doing now and ofcourse Brix is part of the family, so it will be sad to see him go in a few weeks. This will certainly be a big transition for Josh, and all of us, especially depending on the hours he ultimately winds up working. I have no doubt he will be a great sergeant - he's a good person and a good leader, but I know it was a difficult decision for him and I am sad it was so hard. It is a good thing, but pray for us as we adjust to such a big change.


Dave and Maria Schoeppner said...

So glad to hear Gabriel is doing so well! Congratulations Josh on the promotion! We were sad to hear that Brix will be leaving you. That will be such an adjustment! We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Maria, Dave, Patrick, and Cathryn

Fleig Family Blog said...

Gabe looks sooo good! You are doing an awesome job and I highly doubt your ship will sink:)

Peg, what kind of vitamins are you taking?! Your energy amazes me. I was lucky to get a daily shower in during our first weeks at home!

Take care and I'll be praying for a good sleep study on Monday!


Aunt Kaci said...

My little Gabe is so cute! I was so happy to see him last weekend. Let me know if you will have time to do anything when you are up in Indy for his appointment.

I know how many prayers and support this website has given you. I have another prayer request for all those prayer warriors reading Gabe's website. On of the assistant's at my school has had a very difficult week. Her husband fell off scaffolding last weekend and is at Methodist hospital with a spinal cord injury. At this point, they are not sure if he will get any feeling back. He might have to have a tracheotomy on Monday. His family has also set up a website to inform family and friends of his progress: Please keep John Wassen in your prayers alongside those for Gabriel.

Jenny and JP said...

Coongratulations Josh! You are such an asset to the Evansville PD, you will do a great job! We are so proud of you and your family. I hope little Justin is feeling better. Gabriel continues to amaze us. and...Kendrick's smiling face brings smiles to us. Peg, I hear you are back at work a couple of days a week. Each of you continues to be in our prayers.
Love, JP and Jenny