Well....the gas saturations were not so great today (CO2s were creeping up and O2 levels were creeping down) so they did a chest x-ray. It showed some fluid in the left lung. He had a few albuterol breathing treatments, but evidently the progress was not good enough. He is getting a chest tube placed as I type this. The surgeon (Dr. Little) didn't seem too worried and indicated that he thought this would give him a better night. He still feels optimistic about his prognosis, and even suggested to us that this sometimes happens after ECMO. He is still retaining a lot of fluid all over. On a lighter note, Dr. Rouse checked the liver earlier and said it was continuing to improve. Sounds like they will ultimately (but not just yet) gradually close the patch over the abdomen, as the liver allows. He mentioned that they will probably not be able to completely close the abdominal muscles, which will be like having an abdominal hernia, to be repaired some time down the road.
We will let you know how he did over night in the morning.
Happy Birthday Gabriel!
15 years ago
Gabriel, Peg, Josh, Justin and Kendrick are all my heroes. Gabe has proven to date that he is truly a fighter so a chest tube will not stop him. Relieving him of the fluid will make breathing easier. Your support network continues even though some had to go home. Many people at work ask me every day how Gabe is doing and tell me they have him and you all in their prayers. Grandma & I send our love.
Kevin and I are still keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Gabriel is definately a fighter.
Continuing with prayers for you and your family.
Amy Willis
Just got back from vacation and got your e-mails. What a wonderful site that you have created. It is so nice to be able to read about his progress and feel like we can keep in touch with you. Rob and I are keepign him and your family in our prayers. He certainly has a loving family supporting him.
The roller coaster ride must be tough. All of his steps forward have outweighed his steps back because of his amazing determination and your wonderful love and support. I'm so proud of all of you!
Much love,
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