How exciting to say things are ordinary - sounds strange, like a contradiction. We have had a very uneventful winter, until this past week! All three boys are on antibiotics for strep, and doing very well. One would think that three kids with strep would be miserable, and while it hasn't been a holiday, everyone responded to the meds just like we'd want them to. By the time Gabe started with a fever, Kendrick had already popped positive on his strep test and was on antibiotics. When I called the pediatrician, they went straight to the meds and didn't worry about the culture. We've gotten lots of sympathy from friends and family, but truth be told, I don't feel like we need it. Who cares? Ok, so it sounds a little "wrong" for a mother to say such a thing when her child/children have something like strep, but then you'd have to understand that our perspective has changed. We can deal with this. We know what to do. We can give our children the medicine they need, we can give the something to drink and they are able to drink it, we can provide comfort and sympathy when they don't feel well. We aren't overwhelmed with helplessness by something like strep. So while we do care that our boys are sick and are doing everything we can for them - we are blessed that everything we are doing is enough. So really, in the grand scheme, who cares about a little strep infection.
On to Gabe. This past month he had a follow up with Dr. Rouse in surgery followed a few days later by his check up with Dr. Stevens in pulmonology. During both appointments we were able to report that Gabriel had been discharged from first steps and was reaching all of his developmental milestones. At both appointments, percentiles were above the 50th for his weight and height. A year ago we were struggling with his weight and feeding issues. Today he eats more than either of his big brothers do. The spicier, the better! Dr. Stevens actually asked when we last had to give him a breathing to which I was able to reply - the last time he was on a schedule for them. Meaning, we haven't given him a treatment since we were able to go to PRN.
We don't know why Gabe is doing so well and others we know continue to struggle. No one is more or less deserving. We don't have these answers, but we continue to pray not only for Gabe's continued good health and that he may never need another surgery, despite the what ifs and possibilities, but we also pray that others will see their children restored to good health. For those who have always had healthy children as we have been so lucky with Justin and Kendrick, we pray it will always be so.
On another note for those who still check here. Over the boys spring break, we are planning to spend a few days in Indy - without any appointments! We are planning to join the Hufty's in a run to raise money for Riley, then on Sunday March 22nd we plan to host a dinner at the Ronald McDonald House inside of Riley - joined by a couple of other families to help. If anyone reading this is interested in helping, we would love your support. This is an important opportunity to give back some of what was given to us when we needed it most. We will be feeding approximately 75 to 100 people along with providing all of the paper goods, utensils and drinks. If anyone would like to donate some paper goods, 2 liters or even a little cash to help us with the cost, that would be fantastic. Prayers are always appreciated as well. Thanks everybody!!
Happy Birthday Gabriel!
15 years ago